Student Voice

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Work Hard

     Have you ever had the feeling that your alone even though you have people pushing you to do things? I have, and that's because I put myself down. When someone is down and I try to help them and they continue to deny hlep, it's hard because you don't understand why they won't do it.
     As I was driving home, I thought to myself about why people put themselves down and don't work hard at something they know they can do. I am one of those people. I have the ability to work hard and be successful at something but because I feel alone, I don't do it.
     People need to know that they are worth more and can do what they set their minds to. I need to put this into action because I know I have the support that I need. I know people care about me and my future. I know that I have the ability to be successful. I need to see that I am smart and can achieve what I set my mind to.

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