Student Voice

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


     There will be times in your life where you feel like you need help with something. You'll go and ask someone what you should do, then you get advice and don't take it. I did that once, and I regret not taking the advice someone gave me.
     Try doing what other people are asking you to do. Try taking their advice. If you don't, you won't know whether it will work for you or not. There are certain circumstances to which you won't accept other people's words at all because it's something completely stupid, but if it's advice you catch yourself giving others, try it. It might just work.
     I do this all of the time. I give advice and help other people, but when I need advice, I can't ever think of what I've told other people. I don't take my own advice. I'm working on helping myself, with the words that I have said to others to try to help them. Try. That's what I need to tell myself.

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